Wednesday 2 January 2013

Just to get out of the flat...

Tony and I took a bus ride to Leeds this morning, just to get out of the flat.
The weather was not too bad at least it was not raining but it still felt damp and dismal not really a day to be out but we were getting some fresh air (in Leeds ?).
I bought a few things Tony just browsed then we caught the bus home, we were back at the flat by lunchtime.
I decided to venture down to the garden, taking a camera although the light was not really good enough I thought I would give it a go. I knew it was a bad idea when I could not open the outhouse door!
I called Tony on the radio and he came straight down (isn't he good) and within a few minutes he had the door open for me. The birds and squirrels would be fed thanks to Tony.
The squirrel must have been sat somewhere watching no sooner were the nutboxes filled and I was back in the shed when one appeared. He went straight to the nutbox and took a pecan up the squirrel stick and away. Less then two minutes later he was back for another. He ran back and forth taking nuts digging into the box looking for the pecans, as he ran along the wall after a few runs his tail suddenly began to swing aha another squirrel I thought and yes there appeared a cute little girl she ran down the fence and to the other nutbox picked out a monkey nut looked again and swapped it for a pecan, she turned and looked at me then shot up the fence and  disappeared across the school playground.
There was not enough light to take any photos so I packed up my stuff and came back into the flat.
I changed into my PJ's and decided to just chill for the rest of the day.

I am reading books by "Roberta Kray" She is Reggie Kray's  widow and as you would probably expect writes books about crime and the East End of London features in her novels. If you like Martina Cole then you will like Roberta Kray.
The book I am reading at the moment is called "Nothing but Trouble"
It centres around the murder of a young girl 15 years ago, journalist Jess Vaughan has asked Detective Harry Lind to help her find out what really happened that day...

This is the second book I have read with Jess Vaughan and Harry Lind as central characters I enjoyed the first which was called "The Lost" and I am enjoying this one I find it hard to put down.

Now here is your photo of the day I struggled to find one but I found one which I liked
This is a birthday present form Christopher and Hannah (made by Hannah's sister)

Hopefully the weather will improve and I will be able to get out with the camera to take some photos to show some better photo's of the day,
so until the next time...


  1. Happy New Year! I like the new look.

    1. Thank you, something had to brighten the new year.
      Happy new year to you, Matchgirl and the Pride.
