Monday 20 March 2023

Life is slowly improving...


I am feeling quite good at the moment, I have finally got an appointment to go and see somebody called Mr Reid at Pinderfields Hospital on April 5th 2023 at 9am about my teeth. Yipee, I have been waiting since May 7th of last year for this, of course, there is still time for them to cancel it.

Mum came for dinner yesterday for Mothersday, and Oliver came too. Tony had decided on an Italian menu. We had Spinach & Ricotta Tortellini as starter along with a salad. Then for the main, we had Lasagne with a mixed platter of meats & cheese, a few garlic prawns on a bed of salad, and garlic bread. To finish off we had a selection of ice creams.

I think it was safe to say we were all stuffed by the end. The washing up waited until this morning.

I saw this on the internet the other day, it made me wonder if my brother or his wife will still be running at this age? 

This lady can certainly move 100 meters in 1 minute and 17 seconds.

The garden is coming to life more and more we have sparrows and starlings coming now. The dunnocks have begun the wing waving so which signals that nest building time is fast approaching. 


The blue tits and great tits are coming every day as are the goldfinches. The blackbirds are already building Mrs blackbird was collecting nesting material earlier today. 
The squirrels are coming thick and fast we have four coming on a regular basis, they have got used to me now and wait for me to put the food out and come for it before I shut the window. One of them comes to the room window and watches Tony in the room to see what he is doing, I think it is waiting to see if Tony throws anything out of the window for him. I think he may be waiting a while.

Tony attended the hospital for a nerve conduction test in his right-hand last week because he still has no feeling in some of his fingers. He told me and Mum that he almost punched himself in the face because his hands were jerking about all over when the test was taking place. Tony's legs are still no better, he is going to get in touch with Dr Daru again this week to see if anything else can be done.
Well on that note I will leave you all.
I hope everyone is safe and well,
Until the next time...

Friday 10 March 2023

The snow finally appeared...


Well yes, actually I do...

The daughter dragged me out in the cold and snow to go to the hospital with her. She had to go for some laser treatment on her eyes. After visiting the eye clinic yesterday and the pressure in both eyes being above 30 she had to return this morning at 9 am and somebody had to go with her, so I was the lucky person. After taking over an hour to finally get a taxi and paying almost double the usual cost we reached the hospital only to have to wait long after 9 am because Lynsey was not on the list. I was not a happy bunny, I could have been at home warm and comfy in my pj's. After she had her laser done we had the pleasure of waiting for a taxi to return home again paying over the odds, which neither of us could understand because the roads were clear, for once the gritters had done their jobs. The excuse they were charging more because they were in such high demand, didn't that mean they were making more money so why charge more? 

Rant over...

Our neighbour flew back to Spain this morning, she always seems to manage to go out when the weather is bad here. I know she got there ok I checked to make sure her flight landed. She will probably be sitting drinking a Spanish brandy about now.


Only the robin braved the elements this morning.

Tony has picked and paid for his new chair, it is a rise and recliner.

This is the chair except it is in Black Leather.

The chair has been measured and fitted for him and should be ready in 6 to 8 weeks. It means he can stand straight up from the chair and lay better in it to sleep.

He did ask if I wanted one but I declined, I think I would prefer a rocking chair if I can find one to suit me.

I found this the other day I think I might just put it on a T-shirt.

Until the next time...

Sunday 5 March 2023

Sneaky squirrels...


Well, here I am again, 

I hope everyone is well and warm. The Scottish part of the family has caught covid again hopefully they will have recovered by now or at least be well on the way to recovery.

Tony and I are both reasonably well, Tony is still having problems with his legs, he has a sore patch under his left heel which is making walking more of a problem at the moment, but these things are sent to try us. 

I saw this on the internet and it really appealed to me with my teeth problem,


I know she's not a baby but you know what I mean.

I had another baking day on Thursday: 

blue cheese muffins, cheese & marmite scones, 

prune sponge and chocolate chip muffins.

They turned out alright this week.

We have a visit now and then from one of my grandchildren, she stays for an hour sometimes two. This time she brought a friend with her.



The squirrels in the garden are getting very greedy and cannot always wait for me to put their monkey nuts out. They have started stealing the bird's peanuts.


It didn't take them long.

Until the next time...