Wednesday 1 May 2013

Swollen eyeballs again

Today I decided to give the birds a treat and bought some live mealworms.
I intended to spend some time in the shed and I knew the Robins were nesting in the next garden. The Sparrows, Starlings and Blackbirds are all nesting in the big conifer tree outside my bedroom window along with some Collar Doves and possibly some finches.

I went down to the shed with 2 cameras my book and my sony music player. I put some mealworms in the blue dish on the shed window sill it was not long before the Robin found them. He came back and forth taking them a beakful at a time. I missed the picture of the day when I saw him feeding his mate but I was too slow. By the time I had the camera out of my bag she was long gone.

After I had been in the shed a while my eyes began to itch, oh no not again I thought. When they began to water and the pain began I knew I had to go back indoors. By the time I had pack up all my things and got up stairs to the flat my eyes were bloodshot, they were watering and my right eyeball was swollen. I asked Tony to put me some drops in, I always have some because I never know when it is going to happen. It didn't take long for the drops to start taking affect and my eyes calmed down enough for me to get a shower and relax a bit.

I had managed to get a few pictures.

The Magpies are causing havoc in the garden, they are raiding the nests and upsetting all the other birds in the garden. They always seem to be in pairs one acting as lookout while the other does the dastardly deed!


When Robin had emptied the blue dish on the window sill he started on the dish on the floor I put down for the Sparrows, he really does not like any other birds having the mealworms .

Todays photo of the day

Female Sparrow

This Sparrow made sure she got her share of the live mealworms, the Robin was not getting all his own way.
Tony and I have decided that it could be the live mealworms that are causing my eyes to swell, I could be allergic to them. So the next time I buy them I am going to wear gloves and googles, the things I have to do for my garden visitors.

Until tomorrow...

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