Friday 3 May 2013

Parcels, sore eyes and a Sparrowhawk.

This morning Tony and I went out to pick up a parcel for Lynsey which she had bought from eBay. The seller lived nearer to us than her and it was pick up only, how she is going to get it home I don't know?

The rest of the day I spent inside, my eyes are still a bit achy and sore, the middle of my face feels like it has been punched so I am not a happy cookie. I think it is allergies to something that is causing it I just wish I knew what, I know some of it is hay fever but not all of it.

Chris came to see us this afternoon he still seems happy with his job, everything seems good at home, so I am glad about that.

I have not been down to the shed today, however I am pleased with some pictures I managed to take from the bedroom window,

Today's photo of the day

A Sparrowhawk

The Sparrowhawk sat on the fence for about 10 - 15 minutes while I took pictures of it, I was so pleased I even managed to open the window to get better shots of it. 

Lynsey has waited in all day today for another parcel being delivered. Needless to say it has not arrived, she rang to ask where the parcel was. The answer she received did not please her. She was told to expect it on tuesday. I cannot tell you her reply on this blog because my mum reads it.
Lynsey also had trouble at college this week when after over 2 years of studying at the college she discovered from somebody not even connected to the college that the course she is working towards does not run at the college she is attending. She could not understand why the tutors had not told her when they all knew she wanted to do the course and that she expected to do it at the same college. She was very upset and angry so she called them sp*st*c cabbage heads which led to her getting an unofficial verbal warning. (I don't know where she gets her temper from!) 

Until tomorrow...

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