Tuesday 27 August 2013

I am going to rant

Today we went out to do our shopping for essentials and not so essentials, I usually take a camera with me just in case I see anything worth photographing. I took a few pictures then I saw something that always annoys me so sorry but here I go.

Why the hell do people that drive mobility scooters drive them on the roads?
Why do they then drive them on the wrong side of the road?
Why do they think they have priority over every other driver on the road?
Why do they stop in stupid places so you cannot turn at a junction?
Why do they cross a road not at a crossing and expect traffic to stop for them?

They really do make me mad.

Todays photo of the day

A mobility scooter driver on the wrong side of a main road in Kirkhamgate.

Do they have a death wish or just no brains?
(just my opinion)

Until tomorrow...

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