Tuesday 5 June 2012

Babies & Bretton.

I don't know about you but I will be glad when this Diamond Jubilee is finished! I know 60 years is a long time to have been on the throne, she is a good queen and all that but please can we just get back to normal and have a bit of peace.
I have seen so many union jacks to last me a lifetime, heard The National Anthem , Rule Britannia, in tune out of tune, the right words, the wrong words, Please ENOUGH.
The TV every time you turn it on it's about the Jubilee, they even took of Eastenders for it!

Mind you what will we get after it is all over and the repeats have been repeated ? We will get The Olympic Games 24/7 oh joy! I cannot wait.
Now don't get me wrong I know some people are looking forward to the Games. I am sure that thousands of people all over the country will be glued to their TV set, (unless they have managed to get a ticket and are actually there) thats fine I hope they enjoy them. What about the thousands of people that don't want to watch them have the TV companies thought about us? you can bet they haven't given us a second thought!

Well rant over I think, I feel better for that!

The garden has been quite lively, we have had a few babies on show, the squirrels have called in, the sparrowhawk has been about and killed a couple of times, next doors cat keeps trying.
Spot the hedgehog still pays nightly visits, Trot the fox calls now and again, we have not managed to get any photo's or film of Spot or Trot yet but we will Tony doesn't give up easily.

 Young Blackbird

 Young Sparrow

 Wren and Young

  Starling feeding young

 Robin with live mealworms

Squirrel looking surprised

 at the new structure 
in the garden that Tony built. 

  Squirrel sucking a nut???

We had a visit to Bretton Country Park, we used to go quite often but haven't been for a while. I managed a few pictures but not many.

 Great Spotted Woodpecker

 Tony (how did he get  in there?)     

 Great Crested Grebe feeding young

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