Friday 3 February 2012

Shame about the car...

I ventured down to the shed this morning, it was freezing.
 The squirrel appeared soon after I had put out some food. She didn't bother with the nut's but went straight to the sunflower seeds and dried fruit I had put down for the birds.
Squirrel isn't greedy she eats enough but always leaves plenty for the birds.
It wasn't long before the birds started to appear, the sparrows first, followed by the starlings, the blackbirds and then a pair of robins.
A second squirrel came to the garden, I knew it was a different squirrel because one had a split in it's ear and the other one didn't and had slightly larger ears.
I had some live meal worms and had been a bit worried about how they would deal with such cold weather, I had no need to worry as the robins and starlings didn't give them long enough to care.
I stayed in the shed for about 2 hours but then the cold got the better of me and I had to return indoors (I usually have a portable gas heater but haven't had time to get a bottle yet). I have a few photo's which I will share with you once I have sorted through them and decided which are the best.

 We have snow forecast for tomorrow.
 Except for a quick visit to the supermarket for a few essentials we will not be going out, the Six Nations Rugby starts and it is  France against Italy first then, England playing Scotland  so we will be watching the match's, hopefully Tony will keep the noise to a minimum (and the swearing).

I have just received a phone call from Christopher (the son) to say him and his girlfriend were going to call in this evening but they have run into the back of a van so will not be coming. The important thing is they are both OK. Shame about the car...

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