Saturday 18 February 2012

The singing Robin...

It was a cold crisp morning when I ventured down to the shed. I filled the feeder, the trays and the water bowls, now all I need is the birds and squirrels to photograph.
I have my flask, a cheese bagel, some ginger biscuits, an orange and my sony walkman, so I am prepared for a long wait!
I also have a book, at the moment I am reading "Secret Whispers" by Virginia Andrews. I have read all her books before but I am re-reading them, this is one of the up sides to having a bad memory you can never remember the end of a book you have read before. It also works the same way with films and television programmes, which comes in quite handy with all the repeats.

The first visitor to the garden was a Robin who posed very nicely for me then flew away. I didn't have to wait long before the garden had plenty more birds to occupy my time with.
I have noticed the Dunnocks have begun a bit of wing waving but I am just not quick enough to catch it on camera.
The snowdrops are all in flower now and the crocuses are budding, the daffodils look as though they will not be far behind Tony said earlier he will have to trim the bush soon, it does look a bit straggly.
The Robin has returned to sit on the fence at the side of the shed, he/she has been singing for 10 minutes or more and has just flown over to the bird table to eat.

 I am going in while the garden is quiet, no visit from the squirrels today it must be too cold for them.

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