Saturday 30 January 2016

When will the weather get better?

Life is very quite at the moment, the weather is still not good. This week it is "Storm Gertrude" to blame. The winds have been strong, the rain has been bouncing and today it is trying to snow again.

Yesterday (Friday) Tony and I had a ride over to Barnsley to visit Logan, Christopher and Joanne. Joanne's sister was there doing Joanne's nails. They were going out for the night for a spa and to stay in a hotel for Joannes sisters birthday( I cannot remember her name sorry).
Christopher had taken the day off work to look after the four children, he sounded suitably happy. He had the night planned out, film and goodies. It sounded like it would be watch, eat and sleep where they drop.
While we were there in his eagerness to show us something, Logan tripped and bumped his head. As usual Logan managed to hit the worst place possible, this time being the corner of the wall, which is quite sharp.

Logan's bump.

It looks a lot worse than it was, by the time we left it had gone down and was hardly noticeable.

On our way home Tony had to call to the doctors to collect a prescription for some cream and tubigrip for his leg. As we pulled up there was a beautiful rainbow over Aldi. I tried to take a photo of it, but no matter how I tried I could not get it in one shot. I took two and joined them together the best I could, it is not perfect but here is the result.

Rainbow over Aldi.

It was only later I realised I could have taken it on my phone. 
Lynsey very kindly gave Tony a phone because the phone that he has had for the past 10 years or more has begun to fail on him. He is not very technically minded where phones are concerned, so he now has my phone and I have the one Lynsey brought. 
The phone has a camera that takes panoramic pictures, that would have been ideal for taking the rainbow. Isn't hind sight a wonderful thing!

I came across something on the Internet the other day that amused me. It also made me think of my friend Elvira. Elvira sends me emails quite often, they make me laugh, sometimes they make say awwww! and sometimes they bring a tear to my eye. 

So this is for you Elvira

I just could not resist. XX

Until the next time...

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