Saturday 23 January 2016

Donkey, dog and a couple of cats.

I am still hibernating most of the time, however I had to go out on Thursday to attend the hospital. I am happy to say I got the all clear, everything went as planned and "Mr Assassa" told me I could now get back to normal. Both Tony and I found this highly amusing, I have never been normal in my life and I certainly don't intend to start now.

The workmen in the school playground seem to have got a sudden spurt on, I think they must be nearing completion date. They have laid some imitation grass on part of the playground, that wont last long once the squirrels see it. I can imagine they will be burying nuts under there before too long.
The squirrels are playing chase around the tree again, that means more babies in spring.

We had the first snow of the year, Tony took this very quaint view from the window.

The view from the window.

The snow didn't last long, it was followed by more rain, as if we hadn't had enough of that. Although we were not as unfortunate as some people. 

The rain and snow didn't stop the birds in the garden





However the Coal Tit never stays very long, it is a case of snatch a seed.

Then fly away.

Tony and I had a ride to Go Outdoors to purchase a new gas bottle for our heater, (a god send in this weather). In a field at the side of the car park we spotted a couple of donkeys, one of which was very friendly. Tony took a few photo's of it.

 Gis' a kiss,

Alright then, don't.

Mum and Trevor lost their dog Happy at the end of last year as some of you know. Well Mum has always had a dog. When we were growing up there was always a dog in the family as far as I can remember.
So a few days ago Mum and Trevor welcomed a new dog into their home.

Meet Oliver.

Oliver is a rescue dog from York R.S.P.C.A.
He could not have found a better home than with Mum and Trevor.

An update on Lynsey's cats,

Pepper and Biscuit are getting on a little better. They will sit side by side to eat dinner sometimes.
As you can see Biscuit is still growing and is now slightly bigger than Pepper.

Biscuit enjoys playing and is always trying his best to get Pepper to play with him. Pepper is a good bit older than Biscuit so doesn't always want to play. Biscuit even goes to the extent of pleading Pepper to play.

Even on his knees holding up his paws begging Pepper will not play.

Well I am going back into hibernation, back into my onsie ,or my polar bear suit as Tony calls it.

Until next time...

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