Wednesday 6 January 2016

Less photos and more reading.

The highlight of my day was a trip to B&Q for bird seed, then Lidl for a few essentials. You can guess from that how exciting life is at the moment.
The only other entertainment is watching the workmen in the school yard over the wall at the bottom of the garden. The builders have left, now the gardeners are here putting up a new fence. The men have taken down the fence at the other side of the yard and the top end of the yard. They have pulled a lot of ivy from the wall that runs along the gardens at our side of the yard. Yesterday a delivery of very big round posts were made along with fencing panels. The fence is slowly being erected. I am not sure yet what is happening at the bottom of our garden but we should find out soon.
Tony and I have been amused by a coloured gentleman, who appears to do nothing but walk backwards and forwards along the wall at the end of our garden, until the boss comes, then he moves so fast if you blink you would miss him.
The squirrels are not happy with all that is happening and have not been seen for two days, however I know they are close by watching because I can hear them calling in the trees. I think once the fence is finished they will be back, maybe before if they really want some nuts.
The birds are low in numbers too, this I think is a mixture of the work and the Hawks.

The bad weather is keeping me indoors so I am reading again, I am back to Jeffery Deaver, at the moment. I have however just read a book called " Little Black Lies" by Sharon Bolton. This was an excellent read and kept me guessing right to the end. I am looking out for more of her books to read.

Lynsey has joined the world of blogging, if you would like to take a look you can find her at

There you can read about her feelings, rants and day to day life with Pepper and Biscuit, her two cats.

Until the next time...

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