Tuesday 8 July 2014

An unusual sight!

While we were in Scotland some days we would just jump in the car and drive around not really going anywhere just looking for things to photograph.
I have tried on numerous occasions to take a picture of a Hooded Crow, and I have failed every time. So imagine how pleased I was when we saw a very young Hooded Crow all by its self, I had to get a picture.

A young Hooded Crow.

The youngster ran up and down the beach looking for food, it was getting closer and closer to us all the time as if it didn't even realise we were there. It got so tired at one point it had to sit down for a rest.

Having a rest.

However it wasn't long before it was up and running again.

On our previous visits to Scotland we have seen Eider Ducks, which I have taken pictures of. We saw some this time but both Tony and myself were amazed when we saw them.
We were driving along the coast road to Cromarty from Balblair, just past Jemimaville, on the Black Isle when we saw them. I could not count how many there was, there must have been dozens of them and as far as we could see they were all male. As soon as Tony could find a safe place to stop he pulled in to the side and I walked back, I had to get a photo of this.

Eider Ducks 

Taking to the water

Making a splash

Keep on splashing

Eider Ducks swimming

It was amazing to watch all those ducks move together, the pictures don't show it very well you had to be there, I have never seen so many Eider Ducks in one place and all male in different stages of plumage.

A quick update from the garden!

One of the squirrels enjoying an apple,

However it is not too happy when the apple drops over the fence.

Until the next time...

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