Friday, 12 January 2024

Finally I began on the bedroom...

 This morning at 7:20 am, a skip was delivered to the bungalow, so now the clear-out has begun. Underneath my bed, where there used to be boxes and bags of clutter, are now two small boxes containing printer paper and envelopes. When installed, these will be moved to shelving units above my desk.

Hopefully, Richard Tony's son will be visiting tomorrow, and he will take some bags of clothes and books to a charity shop for me. That will clear out a significant area of the room.

 I want to dismantle the double bed, which is going to Lynsey's. I am going to buy a single bed for myself. This will give me more room in the bedroom for a chair at the desk, which will be comfier than the one I have now. 

I also want to make room for a small table for the sewing machine to stay out on so I can use it more. I plan to make more clothes and covers instead of buying them. My weight fluctuates a lot, so being able to alter my clothes would be a big help. I have done this in the past, so there is no reason I cannot do it again once I have the room.

Not A Lot But A Start...

Well, I have started, at least now. I just have to keep going. The bedroom doesn't look any different because all that has come from under the bed. I am surprised it touched the floor. My Mum would tell you I was the same growing up; everything went under the bed. Mum would ask if I had tidied my room, and I would say yes; when she went to look, I would have just pushed it all under the bed and pulled the cover down so you couldn't see it. Job done. Things don't change much, eh, Mum! I can only do so much before my hands swell and are too painful to carry on, so today, I paced myself so more can be done tomorrow. I have the skip for seven days; let's see how I go.

Until the next time...

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