Saturday 31 December 2016

The end of 2016.

This year has finally come to an end, it has not been a particularly good year, certainly not for the many celebrities who have passed on or their families. There will of course be countless other people who's passing has gone un-noticed by the general public, because they were not famous or infamous enough to be mentioned in the papers. Those are the ones that deserve our thoughts the most in my opinion, the everyday Joe's and Jane's that went about daily life in there own way, caring for their families and friends not for the fame or fortune that the stardom brought them. However that is just my opinion, I know the celeb's all had families that will miss them as well but how many fall outs will happen over wills?

Well now that is out of my system what else can I say about 2016?

The last few days have been bloody cold, in fact so cold I am writing this wearing pyjamas, a hooded fleece top, 2 pairs of socks and seriously thinking about getting a hot water bottle.

The frost in the garden allowed me to take a few shots I would not normally be able to get.

Cobweb on the dustbin

Glittering Holly Leaves

Frozen water in the Bird Bath

The birds were happy when the sun came out.

The Sparrow flexed her wings in the sunshine

The Robin sang to let the other Robin know this is his garden

There were two Robins in the garden so there had been a few squabbles over territory, the winner took to the bushes to let the birds in the area know he was the victor and the garden was his.

The weight loss my Dr suggested because of my high cholesterol seems to have gone by the by over Christmas, although I don't appear to have put on any weight. I will however return to the healthy eating starting tomorrow. (Notice how careful I am not to say I am on a d**t).

Christmas was pretty good as Christmas goes! Elvira came over and stayed the night, Lynsey came for the day. Tony cooked, we had something different this year.
We had a "Chindian". Lots of Chinese and Indian starters, a choice of two curries, there was a choice of desserts but nobody wanted them!!!
Tony and I decided to try the strawberry cheesecake, which was fine apart from the strawberries were still frozen. At least Elvira and Lynsey had a good laugh at the faces we pulled eating them.

Tonight we will not be staying up to see the new year in we will both be tucked up in bed where it is warm. We will leave the partying to the younger and dafter generations who don't mind being cold, wet and acting stupid just because it's a new year.

However I will wish you all a Happy New Year.


Until the next time...

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