Monday 9 November 2015

Bad weather, Dark nights and Keeping warm.

The weather today has been wet and windy. Not the sort of day for taking photographs. So I decided I would spend a bit of time tidying up in the bedroom.
I had a couple of empty cereal boxes that I had been meaning to cover, so I did that. I now have two black boxes on the cabinet at the side of my bed to put in papers, books or anything else that is usually just laying about.
I moved some other boxes from in front of the wardrobe to the side of the drawers so now I don't have to move them every time I want to open the wardrobe doors.
Then I read the gas and electric meters and submitted the readings online.
That was it then I was on the computer for at least a couple of hours, just looking at my emails, checking the Fibromyalgia website I go on and Google+ to see what Lynsey had put on for me to see.
I found a picture that someone had posted online that amused me, so much that I really have to share it with you.

I laughed out loud at this.

The squirrels in the garden seem to be keeping away a bit at the moment. I think the fireworks are part of the reason, cats are another and the weather.
The birdlife is increasing, though, we have had the Longtailed Tits visiting, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Coal Tits, Wrens, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Blackbirds, Sparrows, Dunnocks and of course not to forget the Robin. With so many calling, I bought a new feeder, It has three compartments. so I filled one with seeds, one with peanuts and one with fat balls. I hung it on the shed at first and put the sunflower ball on the feeding station. However, the squirrel tried to get to the peanuts and almost fell off trying, so I swapped them over and put the new feeder on the station instead.

The new feeder.

I am feeling the cold more now the weather has turned and the early nights are here.The hot water bottle is out of hibernation, the thick duvet, my furry onesie is also in use, the Calor gas heater is back up from the shed, even the gas heating has been turned on a couple of times. I don't know what I will do when it snows? I expect the spare duvet and blankets will come out of the drawer. The only trouble is in the middle of the night I get a hot flush and the bed covers go flying and I lay on top too hot to sleep.
Oh well, that's life with the menopause I suppose!

Until the next time...

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