Thursday 1 December 2011

Bad backs and Scooters.

This week has been a very slow week for photographs and outings.
 Tony's back has improved slightly this week which is a good thing. I hope this is and a permanent thing and that it continues to improve.
I have been suffering slightly and have bought some mittens, advised by my mum that they are warmer than gloves. I have worn the mittens outside and inside, I have to admit mum is right the mittens win out over the gloves. So thanks mum.
Christopher my son bought a scooter when he began his new job. Public transport did not fit in with his hours. He rang me at 7:45am the other morning to tell me he had come off his bike on his way to work. All sorts went through my head as you can imagine. "Are you OK? " I asked " Yeah and the bikes fine." I didn't care about the bike that could be a mangled mess for all I cared it was him I was bothered about!
"Have you been checked over ? have you been to the hospital?" The answer I got " no mum I'm fine the bikes fine stop fussing" What could I say? He might be 30years old but to me he's still one of my babies I am allowed to fuss, aren't I ?

1 comment:

  1. Never mind - the snow will soon keep him off two wheels. Hope Tony's better quickly.
