Friday 17 February 2023

The wind is getting up...


It's me again, I hope everybody is well and warm. The weather is very windy today apparently it is all down to storm Otto. We are only getting the tip of it, Scotland and further North from us are being hit really badly. I hope my brother and his wife are safely indoors with their cats. I am sure they will be, I hope Russell is not going out running in the strong winds I know he doesn't like the wind so I don't think he will.

Our neighbour Anne is due home from Spain today I hope her flight is able to land a lot of them are being diverted or just not taking off, maybe she will have to stay a few extra days.

Lynsey is back at work and finding plenty to complain about, however today she is working from home, and still finding plenty to complain about. She likes complaining. That's what it is. 

I have to go for a face-to-face consultation to prove I am entitled to my PIP on Tuesday at 9 am. I think it is ridiculous that when you have a health issue that is only going to get worse over time and never improve, some of your problems mean that having to talk to a complete stranger makes you anxious, stressed which then makes you feel more nervous, it makes me clam up and not want to speak. I never know if that goes in my favour or against me. I lost my mobility last time I am hoping to get it back this time because I really struggle sometimes just to go to the shop across the road takes me nearly half an hour. Right rant over, and moves on.

We put up a bird feeder today, just a small one with two hooks to hold one feeder on each it has a tray for seed and a water dish, we are hoping to attract a few small birds there are a couple of dunnocks and a robin come in regularly and we have seen a blue tit but it would be nice to get more to come in. I have also noticed a lack of starlings. Oh, we have had blackbirds in there was a family of them not long after we moved in.

The New Feeder.

We also have a few other things around the garden for the birds and squirrels.

The Sunflower Ladybird.

 The Suet Balls

and for the more sophisticated diner,

The Table & Chair.

The squirrels of course also have the nut box, they never have any problem knowing when it has been filled. I only filled it a couple of hours ago and it is empty already.


Going in...

He's got a nut...

Thank you.

Tony is waiting for an appointment to go back to see the fracture clinic with his wrist, he is still having a lot of pain and still has no feeling in his thumb and forefinger. He is having trouble picking things up and keeps dropping things. It is not good having two of us like that, we will be taking turns throwing things on the floor and up the walls. I think maybe I will keep out of the kitchen when Tony is using knives from now on. He might just start dropping them on the floor, maybe he should find meals that don't need the use of sharp knives.

Well enough of my waffling.

Until the next time...

1 comment:

  1. I managed to schedule it so I ran yesterday and will do my long run tomorrow. The wind was wild for a while but has calmed now. Celina missed it because she's in Shetland, although that's usually windy this time of year anyway. Good luck with the consultation.
