Monday 23 March 2020

Life carries on...

I think the squirrels are beginning to get a bit annoyed, I ran out of nuts for a couple of days, however, I have bought some more and the nut boxes will be refilled tomorrow.
We are coping well with life at the moment, coronavirus is not giving us any problems, I am quite happy to stay indoors and not mix with people. So long as Mum and Lynsey are ok then that's me settled.
We went out for our last shop today for a while, we got most of what we wanted, the only thing we could not find was a toilet roll, but we can manage for a week or two with what we have.
I did do a little bit of panic buying this morning, but not too much,

Just a few things to keep me going.

Tony will eat a few of these, I won't eat them all myself.

We got really excited when we heard that schools would be closed until September, we began to celebrate, but then it was spoiled when it was announced that special schools would remain open. Noooooo!!! we still have to put up with them, swearing, shouting & climbing over the wall into our garden and just running riot.

I saw this posted on social media and it made me smile,

Until the next time...


  1. Thanks I hope you are all ok, hopefully this will be over before too long if people just do what is suggested.
