Saturday 26 December 2015

Six weeks is a long time...

It's been so long, I hope everybody had a good Christmas!

Since I last wrote things have moved along nicely. I have had an operation, which I am recovering from very well thank you. The hardest part is not doing anything. Being told you cannot lift anything heavier than a half full kettle, or stand for more than 10 - 15 minutes at a time is quite difficult to do. This means using a camera in the shed is very difficult. Tony is supposed to carry my bags to the shed, set up my big lens on the camera body, then on the tripod, which then has to be placed where I want to use it and not moved from that spot, unless Tony returns to the shed to move it. I can of course turn the camera on the tripod just not lift it.  I have to sit in the shed where I would usually stand to take photographs. Then when I am finished Tony has to come and carry everything back upstairs to the flat for me. As you will have guessed I have not been to the shed much, not because Tony is not willing but because it takes so much of the fun out of it and stops Tony from doing whatever it is he is busy with.
Six weeks this has to carry on for, I am not to do the washing, because I am not allowed to lift the laundry basket, no baking, because I am not allowed to stand up long enough to knead the bread and I cannot do it sitting down, no hoovering, because I am not allowed to push the hoover. I never realised how boring it cold be not doing such mundane things. Roll on the 26th of January when I go back for the all clear!

I did go down to the shed today for an hour, the squirrels had been on the shed window ledge looking in the window. They had been missing me Tony said. I think it was more a case they had been waiting for the special nuts they get at Christmas.
I did not disappoint them, I filled the nutboxes with the usual monkey nuts in shells, then added a few hazel nuts, cob nuts, brazil nuts, almonds and walnuts. The squirrels were happy again.

Squirrel with a walnut.

The birds were not left out, they got apples, gingerbread, chocolate cake, extra sunflower seed and they will probably get some christmas pudding in the next few days when it is cheap in the supermarkets. The blackbirds loved it last year.

The family all seemed happy with the Christmas gifts they recieved.

Until the next time...

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