Thursday 25 September 2014

She is just a greedy squirrel

We have often spotted strange or comical signs while out and about in the car. We saw one a few days ago that made us both laugh out loud, it was on a gate leading into a farm yard,

The sign looked like it had been there a long time, I wonder if it worked?

Mrs Squirrel has been calling,

She climbs onto the fence comes to the shed window to look at me.

Then she sits on the fence shelf to watch me a while longer,

Then she gives me a sideways glance before,

Diving across to the bird table to the hazel nuts,

Where she landed just in the right place,

 To suck up as many nuts as she could in one go

Before returning to the fence to sit and eat them as quickly as she could

Which just resulted in Mrs Squirrel getting hiccups.

She is after all a very greedy squirrel.

The hedges around the garden are still attracting the sparrows,

There is usually a lot of noise before I see them, it's as if they are sending out a couple of birds to make sure it is safe before they all come out and they are arguing about who's turn it is.

As I packed up my camera to go back indoors who should I see?

Mrs Squirrel looking at me from the nutbox. The boxes were both full and there was 2 feeders full of sunflower seeds that she can find, so there is plenty to eat even for a greedy squirrel.

Until the next time...

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